Christian Music Through the Ages
St John's Anglican Church 150 Victoria Street East, Whitby, Ontario, Canada
W.E.B.S. (Wednesday Evening Bible Study) - Every Wednesday evening from 7:00 to 8:30, at the church. Contact Rev. Di if you are interested by email at or by phone at (647) 405-6301
Weekly Bible Study - Bible Study group - Every Friday at 10 a.m. at the church.
Crochet - Knit - Hobby group - Come to learn or help with a new craft.We meet every Monday at 10:00 am in the parish hall downstairs, (entrance on the east side of the building).All skill levels are welcome.
Harvest Lunch – "We are having a Harvest Meal for our parish family on Sunday, October 20th at noon. The cost is $20 per person. This is a fundraiser for Outreach and Hospitality projects." All are welcome.
Crochet - Knit - Hobby group - Come to learn or help with a new craft.We meet every Monday at 10:00 am in the parish hall downstairs, (entrance on the east side of the building).All skill levels are welcome.
Christmas Music Evening - Ever wonder where your favorite Christmas music comes from? Join us Nov. 30 for a history of Christmas music. The concert features St. John's Music Director and multi-instrumentalist Doug Watson, with context provided by Peter Haggert. Concert price $20. Join us for beautiful music in a beautiful setting to start your […]
Crochet – Knit – Hobby group – Come to learn or help with a new craft. We meet every Monday at 10:00 am in the parish hall downstairs, (entrance on the east side of the building). All skill levels are welcome.
Weekly Bible Study – W.E.B.S. (Wednesday Evening Bible Study) – For the rest of the year, our Wednesday Evening Bible Study (WEBS) will take place on TUESDAY evening to join Advent Teaching Series – Dec 3, 10, & 17 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm which is being led by our Bishops online. We will have […]
Weekly Bible Study - Bible Study group - Every Friday at 10 a.m. at the church. This will continue until Dec 13th and take a break over the Christmas season.
Crochet – Knit – Hobby group – Come to learn or help with a new craft. We meet every Monday at 10:00 am in the parish hall downstairs, (entrance on […]
Weekly Bible Study – W.E.B.S. (Wednesday Evening Bible Study) – For the rest of the year, our Wednesday Evening Bible Study (WEBS) will take place on TUESDAY evening to join Advent […]